1. nzilbb.vowels::onze_intercepts
    Speaker random intercepts from GAMMs for 100 ONZE speakers
  2. nzilbb.vowels::onze_intercepts_full
    Speaker random intercepts for 418 ONZE speakers
  3. nzilbb.vowels::onze_vowels
    Monophthong data for random sample of speakers from the ONZE corpus
  4. nzilbb.vowels::onze_vowels_full
    Monophthong data for speakers from the ONZE corpus
  5. nzilbb.vowels::qb_intervals
    Formant and amplitude for intervals of QuakeBox monologues
  6. nzilbb.vowels::qb_vowels
    Formants from QuakeBox 1
  7. nzilbb.vowels::sim_matrix
    Similarity matrix from online perception test.
    matrix|38 x 38